Thursday, June 30, 2011


what are we all going to do about it??? i vow to post at least twice a month. if at least it is only to say that i'm lame and i miss all of you.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sweat City

Where is everybody? It is hot as balls in California.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hello from the Mighty Columbia

I am truly busy as Sam alluded. I just spent almost a month in Ellensburg, which is long enough for baby redwing blackbirds to learn to fly and leave the nest and a wildfire to be started and put out on my parents' property. Thanks to Solstice party attendees for putting all their fireperson skills to use in a time of crisis. It will be a year to remember.

Today we celebrate the Actual Summer Solstice in Longview, WA, which is our first Actual Road Trip Stop. Today we visit two eighty-year-olds and a bridge for squirrels. Tomorrow it's likely I'll wake up in the woods.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Business Time

So even though I only manage to post here once a month or so, I have been spreading the gospel of the GSS far and wide whilst tipsy. A month ago my roommate and I got free business cards that make no sense whatsoever beyond the facts that I listed this blog as my employment since I lack a real career and also tacked on the disclaimer "I'm probably drunk right now," which has been true about 90 percent of the time. I've passed them out in three different states over the past couple of weeks and have gained in return:
-2 free pitchers of beer
-1 free shot (and applause from everyone at the bar when I took it) and a free pint of Irish Death
-2 new Facebook friends
-5 business cards that actually make sense because real people who are not jokes in life gave them to me
-Many confused looks, then pointed glances at the exit. Also a guy I went on a date with stopped calling me.
... Mostly kidding about that last one. He was actually the first blatantly homophobic person I have met in Seattle, which was jarring, but it was nice to realize that there are so few homophobic types around here.
In other date type news, the driver of the bus I take every morning asked me out for coffee, which was nice of him. The bus is a sardine tin full of fishy surprises; I also recently learned from a strange smelling man in the front seat that the Nutcracker is actually about incest, furthering my conclusion that it's getting time to start biking everywhere.
Anyway. I'm headed to Europe in ten days having planned absolutely nothing, but I have been watching Locked Up Abroad and eating a lot of cheese in preparation. I'm traveling with my sis Apple, who apparently is this blog's number one fan and also more batshit then me, so we'll try to send a less rambly update before returning in late July!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

None of us are dead! Just busy!

I'll write so soon.... I'm sorry....