Thursday, April 8, 2010

My apologies

1. I should be ashamed of myself for not posting anything of susbstance on this blog for well over a month. My actions are inexcusbale and it's all I can do to keep back the tears of guilt constantly welling in my eyes.

2. I'm super excited to hear about Sam's awesome summer plans, especially the book. Leave it to him to give us just a small heads up in order that we may start salivating. I don't mean that sarcastically either. I'm actually excited. He is the only one of us with creative potential.

3. The main reason I haven't posted on the blog is because I'm writing two massive research papers at the moment which are sucking all of my time away. One of them is on Intelligent Design, so be on the lookout for future posts about how Darwin got it alllll wrong. Sam might be a monkey descendent, but not me. No sir.

4. In reference to Sam's point, I received a Fulbright and will be teaching English in Colombia next year. Assuming I don't get kidnapped, I should be able to write some good blog posts about palling around South America.

1 comment:

  1. 1. unforgiven.

    2. my plans are great, you are right to be excited.

    3. unforgiven.

    4. you are so going to get kidnapped, no two ways about it. you might as well already be kidnapped.
