Monday, October 25, 2010

Bienvenidos from just north of equator

Re: Halloween. Colombians celebrate just like we do in the USA. As far as I can tell, the holiday has literally been transported piece by piece. There are even all these signs and banners around that say 'Happy Halloween' one has even tried to translate it. I'm playing in a Halloween -costume ultimate Frisbee tournament , but our team hasn't decided on our costume theme yet. I'll keep you posted. Main thing is I'm super sad I won't be in Chicago with you guys :(

Bill Murray Bill Murray Bill Murray Bill Murray

Here are some things I would like to say about Colombia:
1) It's spelled ColOmbia...not ColUmbia. Just sayin'.
2) There are ants all over my house...they dig holes in the kitchen counter and crawl around under my key board. And as I've started to write this blog post, I've been bitten by like three mosquitoes.
3) Today was my last class working with nurses at the medical school. I had them debate about which patient they would choose to give medical treatment to ( a sick baby or an international aid worker who needed a vaccine ASAP to go help with a foreign crisis). I thought it would be a good way for them to practice English but it just turned into a Spanish screaming match. The baby-team won.
4) I went hiking the other day and got slightly lost. I DID NOT get kidnapped or step on a land mine...but when I got back I got a lecture about getting kidnapped or stepping on a land mine.
5) TV shows Colombians like: The Simpsons, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family and Two and a Half Men. I guess I should start watching TV again so I can relate to my students better. Modern Family has been pretty funny so far but I can't bring myself to watch Two and a Half Men.
6) Colombia is North of the equator.

Bill Murray Bill Murray Bill Murray Bill Fuckin' Murray Bill Murray

I wish I had something funny or witty to say. But I don't.

I miss you all and I want you to come to Colombia because beer is only 80 cents a bottle and I bought a potato and steak shiskcabob (spelling?) on my drunken stumble home the other night. Wish you were all here stumbling with me :( Ok, I'll quit being emo and go back to whatever important thing I was doing before Sam reminded me that I should write on the blog.


  1. well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssseeeeeeeeeee me, princess

  2. literally posted that seconds after I posted

  3. you guys are so so gay.

  4. whoa stealth blog update!!!!! you also added two frowny faces you big baby.

  5. Steak and potato kabobs sounds amazing. Also, the ants sounds totally disgusting. Me and my anxiety disorder cannot tolerate that sort of grossness. Tuesday marked the anniversary of me totally losing my mind of mice in Sam and I's house. I thankfully can say that I am much saner now. Lots of love to you Max! We miss you.

  6. Kelly you are a baby in a adult's body?
