Friday, February 18, 2011

sam, don't call me and idiot.

or i will stop texting you for realzies.

sorry for my absence... i do have legitimate excuses but i won't bore you with them here. for the past two months my life has been swinging between the two worlds of "busy as balls" and "too lazy to do shit". here are some highlights since i've been gone:

1.) I'M FUCKING MOVING TO NORWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's right suckas, norway. when people ask me what's in norway i respond with "norwegians".... but seriously. russell apparently is madly in love with me and asked me to move out of the country with him. and i said yes. and it's cool, but also very scary. on a shitty sidenote: i am unable to bring my dog to said foreign country with me because of what is known as "breed specific legislation" which in layman's terms mans that the bad rap that pitbulls get apparently is solid fact over there and he's not even allowed in the country. so i cry every morning but i will get to see him again when we move back in approximately one year.

2.) i'm moving in with russell.
this mostly has to do with the fact that we are moving out of the country and it would be prudent of us to live together first, just in case we end up hating eachother before we leave and also to save money. i really never go home anyway and jeccy (otherwise known as jessi mullowney) is a bitchin cook.

3.) as of this summer i will be spending one week a month traveling around montana and tattooing my friends before i go. so i will spend several days in butte and several days in missoula. get some shit together. be excited.

i think that pretty much sums up the majors in casa de olive right now. i'm sure i have more stuff to write about but i might wait an obscenely long time just to make sam mad (but you can totally eat a butt, sam)

julia>>> i want to know what's the hardest thing you've had to do teaching o far?

sam>>> i still miss you.

max>>>> keep posting pictures on your facebook. they are awesome and tide me over until your glorious return.

calvin is dumb.


  1. This is sam in disguise:

    you are all no longer idiots except for calvin!

  2. You're moving to Norway???????
    I cannot put my jealousy into words. That is awesome.
    I need a tattoo from you before you leave.
    So get ready.
    I still can't believe you're moving to Norway.
