Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm Disappointed...

in our Spider-Fans. Why is it that we can count the number of comments we've gotten on this blog on our collective hands and feet?

When we started this, I always imagined it would turn in to a little community. At the very least, a community of our friends. I'll propose two ideas to try and fix this:

1. Almost all of us have outside blogs. We should link to those often. I'll start a link list on the side of the page. Branch out and prosper, GSS!

2. I'd like people to visit here and read this post to tell us what they expect when they read this blog. I think we could all step it up a reasonable amount, content-wise, but right now we never get any incentive to do so.

A bonus number 3. Calvin, it is getting a little embarrassing to see your name on the contributors list but not see any actual contributions from you. Just sayin'.

A little food for thought up in here, in light of the coming of our 10,000 hit.

PS: Good blog. I will try to be more like this guy.


  1. I think someone stuck a vacuum cleaner to my head and sucked out all of my creative impulses. That's my excuse for not posting anything of merit on the blog. I'll try to think of something JUST QUIT YELLING AT ME, SAM!!!

  2. what a rousing and inspirational turnout

  3. nobody cares about our blog sam. and honestly when i write i'm just trying to impress you anyway.
