Monday, October 10, 2011


I guess the summer was the off season for all of us. Maybe except for julia because she actually had something cool to write about which was traveling the areas of the US of A that I have never been to.
But life's back in session, and maybe now I can spill my brains on GSS.
So here we are in Chicago again. Sam and I live in two different places and honestly it's probably the worst thing in the world because going back and forth between apartments is the most annoying thing everrr. sometimes I throw things in sporadic bouts with anger and wag my fist in the air up to the sky cursing irrationality. But other than having to go back and forth I love both of the domains of which we preside in. Sam and I have a bookcase that consist of comic books, toys, and muppet movie DVDs. We have a large Dracula pop up book pinned to the wall.
This is where we get our (toy) fix...probably the best place on earth.

Sam and I are now officially employed. Consider yourselves lucky that you are not an SAIC alumni because you'd have to receive a call from one of us asking you for money to support our electric bills, scholarships, and bad art school haircuts. Tomorrow is our first day of calling real people and we're pissing our pants every time we think about asking for moolah.
I officially know how to make books now. So if you want a one of a kind hand made journal from yours truly, let me know. Maybe I'll make special GSS notebooks where we can write secrets of the GSS Skull and Bones or something like that. Or you know, you can draw pictures of bunnies smelling some flowers.
This is what it looked like yesterday at the zoo.

Anyway, this is my second year in an environment that has real seasons, but really this is my first year in actually living where I can see it. Looking back, living in the Loop got depressing after a while. No trees, no real sense of change except when the snow came, and then that was everywhere. Being from LA has the best temperature year round but there were never beautiful leaves turning red and yellow and then falling in an cinematic manor. the other day we drove next to a park with green green grass with trees all around it and there were little kids playing soccer. it was too fantastic. I dont know if I could ever NOT live in a place with seasons again.

Oh yeh, and this is Max, Jen, Olivia, and Sam at the zoo...

1 comment:

  1. Is this the first picture of the real versions of any GGSers ever on the blogosphere? If so, Rachel, you've ruined a beautiful thing. And displayed four even more beautiful things.
