Friday, August 19, 2011


Hello! It's me, Sam! I'm on Rachel's computer and too lazy to sign in to my own account.

I haven't written on here in like twenty-seven months. Sorry :(( I was busy doing Summer stuff like sleeping until noon, not meeting expectations, and shirking responsibilities. The Scoria Butte project Rachel and I were working with sort of turned in to a confusing mess of pretension and poorly communicated ideas, so that was a major bummer. We did set up on pretty nice gallery show, but all in all Butte was kind of a lame scene this year. Rachel took lots of beautiful pictures, some of which you can see here.

I also applied for a job on the new Ninja Turtles show on Nickelodeon, but I haven't heard back from them yet. Everyone who reads this should write dozens of vaguely threatening letters demanding that they employ me.

Now Rachel and I are in Chicago, sleeping on peoples' couches until we figure out our apartment situation. Max and Olivia will both be moving here eventually, which is good because I'm a baby who hates making new friends. Max is feeling a little nervous, so you should also write him dozens of vaguely threatening letters calling him a pussy.

Chynna - I hope you have a very great time in New York. We are planning to drive over and see you when we have a break.

Olivia - Be here soon :(

Max - Don't be a scared

Julia - Beat up Wilbur if you see him in Missoula.

More soon.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Jet Planes and Dreamy Dreams

I have an apology to make: I was really confused and kinda hurt, so I took it out by not ever writing for the blog. But now I am better, mostly 'cause I forgot why I was upset. And my palms are itching. So here's a new post. Sorry.

OK. Well. I am actually laying in a hammock right now, in my backyard in Idaho. My puppy is in the hammock too. I am really happy here. I left Montana 2 weeks ago with all I owned, and now half that stuff is at Goodwill, a quarter is in storage and the remainder is rolled and stuffed into a suitcase (maybe 2) because on Tuesday, I am moving to New York Citay.

I don't have a job, or any real prospects. In fact, I have no idea how I am going to survive, but I will. Maybe some nice suit will offer me a nice little office job and I'll serve my term in corporate bliss. Or maybe I'll pour smoothies.

I do know that I have a teenytiny love nest in Chinatown, and that some people are coming to clean and feng-shui the place just after I get there. My future roommate/current BFF said he found them on the internet, and they were offering such a killer deal that he signed us up! I'm not sure how one feng-shuis (?) a place so small, but I will tell you when it happens. He also informed me that on Friday, we will be singing karaoke. I'm not sure which of the two I am more apprehensive about.

Also, thanks to an intense summer school sesh, I can now speak pretty ok Spanish. Kind of. Mostly I can read it. And sometimes write it. But I'm not going to here, cause I get embarrassed. I would rather people know I have the talent by telling rather than showing.

The postgrad world is about to rear its head, and I really hope it doesn't completely destroy me. If you are going to be in da Big Apple anytime soon, please tell me.
