Saturday, October 8, 2011

adventures... i guess.

chynna... while i confess that i also have abandoned this blog (mostly for facebook and youtube) i did just go back and read your posts about new york. i think you must be having the same experience that i was.... and it sucks believe me. like sam said... theres a fucking mcdonald's across the street from my house and it's a battle every goddamned day to not go over there and drown my sadness and homesickness with quarter pounders and rolo mcflurries. i am pretending there is a force field around that place and i am by no means to ever cross that threshold. ever. so far it's worked. while i saved up a lot to het out here my cash supply is slowly diminishing.... mostly because of my bottle of wine a night habit and the fact that cigarettes are nine dollars a pack here. i don't even go out to the bars because they terrify me. i went out once and it was such a pissing contest that i couldn't even enjoy beyonce properly. i had to leave well before everyone else because some bartender who thought he was god's gift to the chicago bar scene kept grilling every request i made... in my head i'm thinking "i'm only secretly judging you on your fucking purple v-neck tee and your five o clock shadow that you probably pay twenty dollars a week to groom mr. bartender man/dj.... all i want to do is get drunk and have a good time/shake my bootay-doo and i'm not here to impress you." what came out of my mouth (i was four shots deep at this point) was "you're an asshole." so far i have not met anyone who i would be willing to kick it with (sam and max and rachel excluded from this statement) and i watch youtube videos of my friends back home every day and it makes me sad. however, ive come to terms with the fact that i came here for a reason, and nothing back home is going to change in my absence, so i can quit worrying about it and get on with my life.

i have found a job. and so far am staying fairly busy. i am now employed at Mastermind ink here in chi-town and that has improved my funk by leaps and bounds. all i'm saying chynna is keep your chin up sister, lord knows that the rest of the world isn't going anywhere...

sam... stop going to school so much and hang out with me more.

max.... you're a whiner!

julia... ur 2L2Q

rachels' gonna give me a dress to wear for all hallow's... so thanks.

calvin... i love you so hard

gss fo lyfe.

1 comment:

  1. also i have no idea why ads are popping up in my post.
