Thursday, November 3, 2011

bein brizzoke is no fizzun....

so max got a real job yesterday, and has since quit his shitty retail jobs at barnes and noble and REI where he sold skis to people who can't ski because we fucking live in chicago... ANYWAY.... that just means that even though i was the first one to find a job in this lovely city, they have both surpassed me in the "being productive members of society" category. sam wakes up freakishly early every morning and goes to school where him and rachel don't do schoolwork... they "create", and the fruits of their labours can be viewed all over our house. max starts his new job at a small publishing company where he's going to have regular hours and (don't puke) a SALARY!!!! my days consist of this general routine:
- wake up (normally between the hours of eleven and one pm)
- drink half a pot of coffee to myself
- do yoga for thirty minutes and go for a thirty minute run with me dog (this will be the high point of productivity for the day)
- shower (every other day)
- eat horribly cheap food
- catch the bus to work
- sit at work for eight hours
-work activities include facebook, movie watching, video games, and sometimes drawing
- catch bus home
-take dog for walk
-drink half a bottle of wine and watch skins on the netflix (the u.k. version) until i pass out fully clothed on the couch

every once in a great while i will get someone who wants to get a tattoo from me, amd i do this with great joy, but as soon as i am done, the despair creeps back into my brainstem and i'm launched back into zombie mode again. hopefully my recently written resume (which i penned in a mere twenty minutes) will get me a job at a coffee shop or a shoe store or summing so i can pay my rent next month... if not, i guess it's back to montana for me, which would distinctly blow. i'm at the point where i'm not only handing business cards and resumes to anyone who makes eye contact with me, i 'm also "sending good vibes out into the universe" in hope that karma will look fondly upon my situation and keep my sorry ass afloat in the big bad city.

sam. i wuv you
max. you make me proud even though you're a bad influence on my dietary choices
julia. keep sending me young adult literary suggestions
that's all i have for now.

gss fo lyfe

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