Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Welcome to the jungle

Big ups to Sam for being accepted to art school in Chicago. It sounds like you're making the transition to Chicago quite well even if you are only currently visiting for a while. And thanks for house-sitting my dog this weekend. My mom said you did a good job. Take it as inspiration for art school.

Speaking of school, the other day in one of my seminars we were discussing a novel in which a Victorian English man goes to the jungle and finds it repulsive because it offends all of his civilized sensibilities. He was 49 at the time, and a very accomplished scientist. He was also a virgin because the spirit of the times told him that sex would interfere with his scientific genius. Even though he hates the jungle at first, he eventually falls in love with it. Someone in the class pointed out that the jungle (in it's lush, untamed, sticky pungency) symbolized a huge vagina and that this 49 year old scientist was just going through his first sexual revolution. So of course the next hour of the class was filled with all the English and sociology majors pontificating on any sort of sexual imagery they could find in the book. It got boring really fast because you can only say nature=sex in so many ways. The point was being beaten to death, so I started rolling my eyes. The girl leading the discussion made a caveat into a discussion on the symbolic capacity of art and objects, and suggested that a black, steel water bottle (like the one I had in front of me) could be taken as a symbol for sexual frustration.

Moral of the story: I don't know if she just randomly chose to equate the water bottle (which was in her direct line of sight) with sexual frustration, or if she was attacking me because she maybe saw me rolling my eyes at her belabored, oh-my-god-I-get-it-by-now-can-we-talk-about-something-else stroke of genius. Either way, I spent the rest of the day worrying that I offended this perfectly nice person whom (who?) I have never really met.

I'm anticipating this story will prompt a barrage of harrassement from Sam at my expense, but it is literally the only interesting thing that has happened to me in the past few days. So I thought I'd share. Once again, I'd like to apologize for the litany of grammatical mistakes in my last post. I don't expect Sam's forgiveness, but will beg for it anyway.


  1. If you're going to write, at least know how to write. In the way you used the word in question, it was not an object, but rather, it was a subject. Therefore, it should be 'who.'

    Also, you are portraying the Liberal Arts education in a horrifying manner.

    Also, maybe it's just that you're actually sexually frustrated, and that's why you spent the rest of the day going over that event. If you were less frustrated, maybe you could have let it go. It's probably not a coincidence that the water bottle represented sexual frustration and that you happen to have just such a water bottle. Seek solace in a woman.

    Also, Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin.

  2. Calvin: Be nice to him. At least he's trying, you tit.

    Max: you will die a virgin and the water bottle=your huge, cold dick. I've been telling you that for years.

