Friday, February 19, 2010

We're running out

I enjoyed Calvin's musings on the inane because he quite eloquently made the point that nothing it essentially inane. WE give meaning to everything. Nothing has intrinsic meaning. All meaning is subject to our creative capacities. Existentialism 101. If all meaning is a subjective projection of our own whims, prejudices, and fancies, it appears to me as though we enter the delightful world of unbounded relativism. And we do. The world it relative. BUT there are somethings which suck to such a large extent as to be almost certainly and objectively 'bad'. Like Genocide.

In the context of Asher Roth and the rest of the milieu of 'lowest common denominator' (LDC) entertainment of which Sam speaks, I believe we can see a near objective 'bad' surfacing. All of this entertainment hinges on hyper-consumption of material resources. Whether or not the lyrics or message explicitly endorses hyper-consumption varies, but all of this LDC art is a product of a society which hinges on mass production and mass consumption. I want to get off of my moral high horse because I, like almost all Americans, consume a lot of useless (inane?) crap. And while the aesthetic value I give to such crap is entirely subjective, it is a 100% objective, non-negotiable fact that there are limited resources on the planet and they will run out and our consumption of them causes massive environmental degradation. Fact. Skyrocketing populations and dwindling resources= catastrophe. Fact.

So we'll see what happens. Maybe the banal art which floods every facet of American culture isn't that big of a problem. It's the material strain this massive crap factory engenders.


  1. there is a God of Cool who tells us who and what is and is not Cool. Some things (Asher Roth, Dave Matthews Band, Family Guy [I hate even writing the name of that show it's so uncool], frats) can not be Cool. Things that were cool can turn uncool. It is uncool to think that things that were uncool are so uncool that they are cool. It's very complicated but it all boils down to this: COOL IS NEVER SUBJECTIVE.

    sorry bro.

  2. ps lowest common denominator = LDC? You r dum. sry dood
