Monday, November 29, 2010

Merry Christmas Season!

It's officially Christmastime here in the Inner Spider Sanctum. More cheer to come...

PS: Calvin, are you really a DJ?

Maybe I'll just write a post.

Butte was most excellent. It was great to see Olive and other, non-GSS friends. I wish I could have been there longer, which is something I never wanted to feel. I freaking love Butte despite all that its many and glaring flaws. It's in my heavy-metal filled, asbestos-ridden blood. I'd like to think my girlfriend loved it there, but I'm probably fooling myself. She took a lot of sick pictures, so I'll post those and get her to write a guest opinion of the place.

School's out in three weeks and I'm having a full-fleged nervous breakdown. It's rough to be a total visionary and try to conform to these plebes' notions of "due dates" and "deadlines." I'll deal, though, and me, Pancho, and Lefty will blow your asses off when it's all over.

Julia: Dig this documentary. Banksy accidentally made it and it's brilliant.

Max: Way cool poem. Is a Mexican hamburger different than an American one???

Olive: Ummm, stay frosty.

Calvin: I repeat: Are you actually a DJ? Post your tunes here for maximum fame and fortune, dude.

Everyone: Comment please! Tell us your favorite Christmas song! Favorite Christmas movie! Favorite Christmas sexual position! I don't care... I only want to be your virtual "e-friend."

Chicago: stop being cold and dark. It's depressing

Bill Murray: I know you're there... is Scrooged your favorite Christmas movie? I bet it is.


  1. Woah!!! This color change almost exploded my mind. I like how we chose a lime green instead of the traditional darker Christmas hue. Sam! I miss the fuck out of Butte (and especially my Butte friends). I honestly can't wait to get back...even though I don't have any opportunity there. I guess after having such a great summer there with Olive, Julia, I will always pine for crumbling bricks, warped sheet metal, and gin & tonics at the Silver Dollar. Quit making me miss Butte so much! I love you all.
    Favorite Christmas movie: Muppet Christmas Carol
    Favorite Christmas Song: That one by Run DMX...I can't remember the name but I know Sam knows what I'm talking about.
    I can't think of a name for a clever Christmas sexual position.

  2. Christmas in Hollis, duh. Our blog is edging dangerously close to the genuine and sentimental........ I miss you

  3. you two disgust me.
    favorite christmas movie: elf
    favorite christmas song: the one from the shower scene in "elf" where zooey deschenel is half naked and such.
    favorite christmas sexual position: the reindeer toe

    russell is thinking about writing a guest blog too, so if he does you have to all be nice to him so i don't have to listen to him cry for days on end.

  4. My favorite Christmas Movie: Muppet Christmas Carol tied with Die Hard

    Favorite Christmas Song: Fairytale of New York tied with Heat/Cold Miser from Year Without A Santa Claus

    Favorite Christmas Sexual Position: The Slippery Rudolph tied with The Stinky Elf

    Russ is illiterate so it'll be hard for him to write a post

  5. i know but i figure it doesn't hurt to encourage him right? right? .... oh, shit.

  6. My art friend Abe Coley talked at length about Exit Through the Gift Shop this weekend, but I was falling asleep on the couch and don't really remember what he said. I'll try and remember.
