Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hey You Guys!

What's happening here? Why have you all abandoned your posts? No Christmas lists? Two weeks of no posts? For shame.

Don't use Finals Week as an excuse, either.

Here are some blogs I discovered. Maybe these will inspire you?????

Calvin: You're on Double Secret Probation.

you have been warned


  1. Sam, fuck you. I went straight from school full time + work part time to finals + work full time. I'm thinking though, and I'm sure I'll blog 11 times a day when I'm home for Christmas because Ellensburg in the winter is a miserable wasteland of a place. Ugh thank god for the Lazy F.
    Just kidding!
    Sam I miss you.

  2. This is Julia by the way. I am just too lazy to copy what I wrote and delete it, sign out of Clark's account and into mine, then paste it into a new comment box, then type one of those sinuti things again... because that is more work than explaining what it takes to do it.
    God I am awesome.

  3. no christmas list because i am not what you would call technologically saavy and i don't understand how to do it. besides i'm broke so i won't be buying anything FOR ANY OF YOU and i expect nothing in return except maybe a brew shared at the silver dollar when we all make it to butte. cheers? cheers.

  4. I thought clark was yelling at me :((((((
