Friday, December 24, 2010

my lackluster and insufficient response

Hi Giant Spiders,
Please excuse the lameness of this post. I haven´t had internet lately and when I do, it´s a slow connection in some random hostel.
I'm in Bogota for the holidays and today I ate in a restaurant which hanged all its empty booze bottles from the ceiling. Thought of you all for obvious reasons.
Merry whatever you are celebrating you worthless group of atheist heathens.
Miss you all.


  1. omg i love and miss you so much. also i hear you have a saucy latina girlfriend. maybe you should put pictures of you and her on your facebook so i can compare her to sam's saucy latina girlfriend and decide which one of you wins this life round.

  2. No words about my saucy Arkansas boyfriend? He is pretty saucy.

    Post script: MAX, YOU HAVE A GOYLEFRIEND??

  3. Sam, this does not fit in this comment section, but I can't figure out how to post. Thought you'd like this.

    Bill Murray Karoke
