Friday, January 29, 2010

Ghoulie and Ghoulia

I'm watching Julie and Julia because I'm a woman with boobies and everything. It's all about blogging, which is what I do. It's really portraying blogging as a life affirming activity. Amy Adams is all about this shit, and it's inspirational. Using this movie's message as a springboard, I'm going to write a cookbook filled with swear words and bawdy pictures of penises.

But let's be serious for a second: Amy Adams is frumpy as heck and awful in this movie. If you're reading, Amy Adams, you were good in Sunshine Cleaning and little girls and emotionally stunted women seem to like Enchanted, so you get a pass this time.

Finally, everyone kept saying "I have to bone a duck," throughout the movie and it tickled me.

Things I hate:
Max - Seriously, where are you?
Avatar - Bad movie, sorry dudes

Things I like:
Video games - my only real friend

PS: If anyone reading this knows anything about Chicago, tell me what I need to see when I go there on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. sunshine cleaning was awesome. and she looked great in her wal-mart brand underwear. and your headline reminds me of the wedding singer. do me a favor. since i'm following your blog...follow mine. it will make me feel important.
    i kind of hate you for not liking avatar. that movie made me wish i had a tail.
