Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Keeping the Spirit Alive

In what I'm sure will be seen as a completely unexpected move, I am going to post on our blog for the second (2nd) consecutive day. Today a friend and I, whilst in a bar, discussed whether or not one could discuss the Anti-Christ, whilst in a bar. The jury is still out. I think the moral of the story is that there will never be a consensus on whether or not one can (or should) discuss the Anti-Christ in a bar.

In other bar news, and contrary to the ambiguity regarding the Anti-Christ, we have firmly established the fact that one cannot order dessert whilst in (most) bars. Bar desserts might, however, be a cause worth championing by some enterprising soul.

1 comment:

  1. It was a pretty redneck bar, but my mom brought up the anti-christ and she's a proper Southern belle and knows social ins and outs better than us.

    It being a redneck bar also had a negative effect on the dessert availability. Manly, blue collar dudes don't eat ice cream and cake and shit. That's for fairies like us.
