Saturday, July 24, 2010

On code words and adorable pseudo-burglars

The house I live in Missoula has been my home for two years now and we've been this roughly amoebic group of roommates for three (they bought the house before I transferred here so I'm technically a late bloomer), and for the entire period we've had the understanding that if someone breaks in, or tries to murder us, or if an encyclopedia salesman is particularly unsavory, we all yell "SNOWCAT" and this is the signal to grab the nearest weapon to attack. Good news is we've got both a hatchet and a tomahawk right now so things are looking pretty solid on the the homeland security front.
I got home the other night and my roommate Kendra, distress in her face, told me how we had a near SNOWCAT experience that very morning. Apparently while I was at work two men climbed over our fence and appeared to attempt to get into our house through my bedroom window, which is an basement egress in the back yard. While they were peering in, my other roommate's girlfriend Jess, who had been sleeping on the futon on the deck, stirred and said, "Um, hello?" Somewhat startled, they told her they were "measuring for a screen" and left in an embarrassed rush out the side gate.
Well my house found this quite bothersome, and we made some decisions about when and what to lock and hide, and were considering telling the neighbors that two sketchy dudes were kickin around the hood. Kendra even called our landlord to see if there was some work being done he hadn't mentioned, but he didn't know anything about it. SHIT.
I met a guy, like him a lot (this is related, I'm not just bragging). As Kendra and I discussed the situation, this guy, Clark, sat on the couch, sort of smiled, and finally said, "Can I tell you guys a secret?" Turns out the alleged attempting burglars were him and his friend, and they were actually measuring my window for a screen for a funny sweet surprise so bugs wouldn't get in. The friend had seen Jess but thought she was Kendra (they hadn't met Jess yet, and, to be fair, the two girls do look a lot alike) and assumed everything would be kosh. False. We were on amber alert because a boy wanted me to stop getting mosquito bites.

Moral of the story: Clark is no burglar, but (I'm sorry- I must) he's stolen my heart?

1 comment:

  1. disgusting what is this the fucking Teen Beat blog for Developing Young Women???????

    jk this is adorable and I'm glad you all didn't end up Murdered!!!
