Thursday, July 15, 2010


Sam, you are totally a douche for not writing on here in so long, and your self-loathing is justified, especially since you ditched me to go barbeque with your dad's girlfriend. homewrecker. picking up your slack, however, has been mucho good times. aaaahhh, who am i kidding? the only reason i absorb myself in this so often is because my boss told me that if she catches me on facebook during work hours one more time she's gonna fire me. looks like i should start scanning the classifieds.

jules. i don't know if you knew this about me..... but i'm sort of a champion dancer (and that's kind of a big deal). if you need a professional to help start your revolutionary coup, my salary normally starts around 75K. but i can teach you the robot, among other things, like how to successfully dance your way out of an awkward situation. works really well at office parties.

max. i will always love you even though your contributions are minimal at best. what ever happened to that sperm bank assignment i gave you? now that'd be some good readin'

calvin. i don't know if you ever check this but i'm sure once you do your ego will plummet from being told what a failure you are over and over again. but you're still one wicked dude.

i'm off to try to fight the man about my car, and possibly try to find a new one.

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