Friday, August 27, 2010

More importantly

I miss Sam. I said goodbye to him at 6 am this morning in my underwear after closing down the Dollar and being so epicly drunk I texted my boyfriend and I quote:

"Its because butte is a ture cowboy sity."

And after he told me to sleep well and drive safe:

"I will or something. ??? i just so miss you"

Butte brings out the best of me and I'm sad I have nobody there left to visit. See you you on New Years you douche bags!

But actually what I came here to say is that I forgot the most important shit being fucked up beyond my personal bubble: there is literally a potato blight up around Flathead. You remember that shit that like ruined Ireland? Yeah that. I'll investigate further and update you all on whether we'll have to start eating babies or something.

1 comment:

  1. freaking genius. i love your text.

    where did same go? why?
