Wednesday, August 25, 2010

On why shit is fucked up

SO. I haven't written in a while and if you're an avid reader you'll know it's because things are out of control over here in Juliatown. Forgive me. School starts next week and I'll undoubtedly need something to distract me so I'll be really funny in a couple days I promise.

Less of my things are fucked up as of this week including housing (I am moving in somewhere cheap in a sick location with a buddy of mine and his three other male roommates- don't worry, Mom, it'll be an adventure and I'll survive) though I'll be one of many say that property management types are total buttheads and maybe when I have more time and energy I'll tell you all about the nonsense I've dealt with the last month. At this point all I'm going to say is that I'm considering seeking legal counsel. Brad Roe can fucking suck my dick.

Things I'm still hurdling over unsuccessfully: Car (about to drop over 400 bucks to get that shit taken care of), hours being cut at work (that place can suck my dick too), bike (Clark still promises he's going to fix it and I guess I believe him) and computer (my consultant told me the other day he only had one more thing to try and beyond that it seems the ole gal has given up at least part of her techno ghost). Shit ass balls fuck. All of it.

ALSO. In the shuffle of moving out of my old place and folks going a thousand different ways, my old roommates took my goddamn houseplants. Who does that? Seriously. OH MAN I am tweening angsting the shit out of this blog and I'm real sorry for all of you but you know. Get it off my chest and all that jazz.

Final playing of taps for SAM who leaves for Chicago on Friday.

Okay someday I'll be happy again. I'm sorry for all this.

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