Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Brief thing

I've not been too busy to write on here, just a little uninspired. Here it goes anyway.

I am currently learning that Rachel has an embarrassingly big crush on Dana Carvey of all people. She is, as I type this, quoting his SNL George Bush skits and just generally acting the fool/being adorable. So I Wikipedia'd Dana Carvey and found out that he was born in Missoula, Montana. Did any of you GSS'ers know that?

Anyway here's the deal: Dana is probably way nicer than Bill Murray and way easier to contact. Also, I'd bet that way, way less things get written about him on the internet, so...

DANA CARVEY, when you do your daily Google of your own name that I know all celebrities do, you could maybe see this and drop a little comment about your time in Montana. This blog loves Missoula! And we love you!

Then, if you're feeling nice, call Bill Murray's secret hotline and ask him to give me some Butte info, please...

1 comment:

  1. Bill Murray:
