Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This blog will never die!

Don't let Sam fool you- this blog has proven to be one of the most-difficult-to-kill things I've ever tried to kill ever, and like a pheonix from the ashes it will rise again. (It is also like grass, which grows from the protected underground shoots when eaten or burned in a fire, so is one of the most resilient plants on earth. It covers more land than any other plant. I learned that in Planet Earth "Great Plains" when I was subbing for 7th grade science this morning).

So. Yes. I have started (sort of) another blog, which started to be my excuse for not pulling my Spider weight, but I don't really write on that one either so in reality I just haven't been feeling very bloggy. More like groggy.

Student teaching is balls hard! I have a lot of responsibility and grading and planning every day, plus twice in the last week they've dropped "We need a substitute teacher for such-and-such" in my lap last minute, so I have to suddenly drop everything and move classrooms. If nothing else, subbing gives me a chance to practice my respect-my-authoritay-immediatlay skills. More details about student teaching in the otha blog, if you're interested.

Elsewhere, it was Valentine's Day, and for some reason I didn't straight up quit working at the flower shop when I started student teaching, so I spent like 30 hours there this weekend and yesterday perpetuating the waste cycle that is the flower market. Plunder the earth growing a rose farm, ship it across the globe and then across the country, use only the good ones (throw the bad ones in the garbage for hobos to give to their hobo sweeties), sell them at incredible prices to shmoes who need to make someone momentarily happy. That is my nutshell interpretation of the flower industry. Valentine's Day was pretty successful for BFS, though, so good job, America!

This is me preparing for the onslaught of late-blooming Valentine's Day customers.

Elsewhere elsewhere, the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival has taken ahold of Missoula, and one of the main events, Yo La Tengo Presents The Sounds of Science is tonight. Yo La Tengo will be performing a live version of the score they've created for some old-timey underwater seascape jellyfish filming. Should be a good time. More on that later.


KBGA (the only thing ol' Clark loves more than me and his mom) is doing their annual pledge drive this week, and I don't usually do this, but I am here to ask you to donate. They have some pretty baller premiums, too, so if you don't want to donate just because you're kind or value college radio or whatever, do it for the goods. You can either call in at (406) 243-KBGA or go straight to their website, which just got a killer makeover and is fun and sexy to look at and click on. DO IT!


  1. ghoulia - when we hit ten thousand visits i'm going to propose to you and "live blog" it

  2. julia, thanks to you i now have must have fresh flowers every week in my house, shelling out my parent's hard earned cash just to be one of those "schmos". good legacy. also, i miss you and think of you often, and wiil be living in ellensburg this summer.

  3. What?! WHY? I will not be there.
