To write in this blog!!!!
Man, I don't know about you guys, but this shitty late-winter weather is zapping all of my motivation and will to live. It's all blustery and slushy here and just... ugh. I'm chugging through it, man. I'll rally.
I did that "YOU SHOULD REALLY CARE ABOUT THIS" feature like once and then never brought is up again, but I'm going to try again. This time I'll do some things you should care about to beat the winter blues.
You Should Really Care About:
Enchanting, Feel-Good, Adventure Comics Like Bone, Tin Tin, Uncle $crooge, and All-Star Superman - I'm taking this comic making course this semester and everyone is nutso for like, Daniel Clowes and Charles Burns style "the world is shit and I should die" comics. Those comics are peachy, genius even, but I'm burned out on art-school kids and their various forms of depression. Don't torture yourself in these long winter months with stories about blue-collar schlubs and their families who hate them. Read about a rich, talking duck.

the first balla
Die Hard - fucking awesome movie.The Kinks - The most under appreciated British Invasion Band? In my totally uniformed opinion, yes they are. I think because you can't find much of their shit on iTunes, they've fallen by the wayside, but illegally download a copy of Lola Versus Powerman and the Moneygoround and go "hog wild."
The Rock-afire Explosion - Watch the youtube I linked and then watch this documentary about the band and the people who created and love them. The doc isn't going to blow any one away, but it's sweet and hilarious and full of Southern rednecks of the highest caliber. It'll make you despise Chuck E. Cheese.

Minecraft - I don't know if the GSS has a big "ga(y)mer" following, but this game is zen as heck and I'm hopelessly addicted to it.
Adventure Time - Watch it! It's uplifting.
also Parks and Rec - way better than The Office ever was.
The world is so gay-balls right now, everyone needs to add some positivity to their lives.
PS you can pretend to care about my Monster Project, too, if you want. New monster coming in the next few days!!!!!! (hint: it hails from the lost continent of Mu)
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