Thursday, September 23, 2010
We Have 4000-ish Hits
Whoever it is in Australia that keeps reading our blog should reveal him or herself.
Mash Update:
1) Sam is no longer in the first spot on Rachel's the Blog. The #1 slot* has been reserved for Calvin, and the #1 spot on the Blog de Rachelle has become occupied by a much more deserving subject: Mash-up. Contemporary music wallows in its own bohemian nature to such a degree that there is no longer any enjoyment to be found in listening to what the 'artists' want 'us' to 'hear.' We must mash it, and then toss it up. Toss it up into the American BlogMcSphere so that it will precipitate gloriousness upon us.
And now, another mash-up for the enjoyment of our audiences:
The owner of the intellectual property rights that can be enjoyed by accessing the following link has every right that said owner had reserved prior to my posting this link on this blog without any permission from said owner:
2) Columbia is super hot, and I have been schwitzing everywhere.
3) I have been listening to Sweet Dreams are Made of Seven Nation Army for the entire time that I have spent blogging on this blogspot blog. Also, I do actually enjoy things being mashed together, and Max sucks.
4) Max would go to Columbia.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Here's the Thing
It has been literally hundreds of years since I've contributed anything of value to this thing and for that I sincerely apologize. But also it's been Fast Times at Ridgemont High/the University of Montana and Surrounding Areas so you can't really dog me that much, dogs.
BUT. I did move. I currently live with four dudes in an only vaguely dilapidated house that is so wicked cheap and in the most bomb location I can hardly believe I got it. Things I like about it (besides aforementioned all-stars price and place) include:
Cheddar and Gonzo (two of the roommates),
Oscar (Gonzo's dog),
big houseplants,
tall ceilings,
wonderful amounts of natural light,
three floors,
two fridges, and
secret closets fucking everywhere.
Things I am apprehensive about include:
the main floor shower (pretty much Saw III was filmed in there),
lack of a record player,
the linoleum in my bedroom (I guess this is this a kitchen actually???), and
the middle-aged dude who has holed up here for 11 years and can't manage to clean said shower OR find a boyfriend who's either in this country or close to his age or both (I guess this is love actually???). He is currently in Mexico and will be for an undetermined amount of time.
Other bizarre turns in my life pretty much bend around KBGA, the radio station Clark manages generally, which is having its big Birthday Bash this Friday and will most likely be a killer time. I have folded many a t-shirt and distributed many a handbills in preparation, and I think it would be a thing all you Giant Spiders (blog contributors as well as our adoring and rapidly multiplying [like spiders tend to do] fan base) would enjoy to the utmostests of utmosts. I certainly wish you were here to enjoy it with me instead of being in places like Colombia, Chicago, New York, and Bozeman.
Ummmmm Olivia should choose a new place.
Today I walked up and down a hundred flights of stairs, got tested for TB, and had a two-hour lecture on child abuse.
Smell ya later!
BUT. I did move. I currently live with four dudes in an only vaguely dilapidated house that is so wicked cheap and in the most bomb location I can hardly believe I got it. Things I like about it (besides aforementioned all-stars price and place) include:
Cheddar and Gonzo (two of the roommates),
Oscar (Gonzo's dog),
big houseplants,
tall ceilings,
wonderful amounts of natural light,
three floors,
two fridges, and
secret closets fucking everywhere.
Things I am apprehensive about include:
the main floor shower (pretty much Saw III was filmed in there),
lack of a record player,
the linoleum in my bedroom (I guess this is this a kitchen actually???), and
the middle-aged dude who has holed up here for 11 years and can't manage to clean said shower OR find a boyfriend who's either in this country or close to his age or both (I guess this is love actually???). He is currently in Mexico and will be for an undetermined amount of time.

Ummmmm Olivia should choose a new place.
Today I walked up and down a hundred flights of stairs, got tested for TB, and had a two-hour lecture on child abuse.
Smell ya later!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Get Off My Back
Hey guys! What's up with you? Me? Oh, you know, I still live in Chicago. It's cool.
I guess it's been maybe a few weeks too long since I've written on this thing, but you have to understand that pretty much I'll I do here in Art Schoool is homework (here's a secret i went through most of college pretty much doing almost none of my homework so this is a big deal for me!!!!!!!!!). I'm trying to commandeer (steal) a camera so I don't just have boring-ass walls of text.

people like hot dogs here
Here's some stuff I've done to tide you over until I can write something not shitty/think of something interesting to write about:
1. Learned a bunch of nerd bullshit like "Flash" and "Maya" and "Photoshop" and gay shit no one who gets laid regularly would ever care about.
2. Made a cartoon with a farting dinosaur.
3. Found a nice girlfriend(!) who is also a bomb ass photographer/painter. HERE IS HER WEB DOMAIN you will notice I am in first place on that blog, just the way it should be.
4. Fuck you, Max!
5. Met a bouncer who got us into a Dirty Projectors show for free.
6. Pushed a man in front of a subway train.
I miss you all especially bad. I will get a GSS tattoo if Olivia really gets one. I promise.
Friday is my birthday so you all have to write nice posts about MEEEEEE.
Friday, September 17, 2010
What is going on?
Like I said, what is going on?
Here's the Colombia update: It's really hot here and I'm sweating all the time. I'm sweating even as I sit here typing this.
Also, I miss you guys. Wish you were here sweating with me.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
bitches be trippin.
and by bitches i mean EVERYONE.
my face is about to melt off due to the sheer frustration that is permeating almost very aspect of my existence. poo. so you know those kids that head into town around this time of year? julia, you know what i'm talking about. college kids. neon-color-wearing, slang-talking, cocaine-doing, i-own-this-town-mentality-having d-bags. they are coming out of the fucking wood work and it's driving me mad. they are ruining my town, and making me hate kid cudi. fml.
on another equally aggravating note: i HATE my new room mate. for realsies. i don't think i have ever lived with anyone who i have hated more. and we have to share a bathroom. which is constantly covered in a thick film of foundation because of the amount of make-up that she wears. it's disgusting. dilemma: move out and be sane with a place for my dog to hang out? or save my money and go on a trip to see ratatat with russell?
arguments for moving out:
-no more period blood stains for me to find on the toilet seat (not fucking kidding)
-no more waking up at five am listening to her maniacally doing dishes or smoking weed and watching re-runs of the x-files at max volume
-no more coming home to find that my dog has been locked up in my room for five hours and has torn apart my bed sheets
-being able to walk to the kitchen in my underwear in the morning without having to worry if she brought home some random who felt such personal guilt about fucking her that he spent the latter half of the night on my futon in the living room
-actually getting to hang out in the house that i pay rent for rather than reclusing in my room constantly.
arguments for going to ratatat:
-russell will hate me forever if i don't go.
-he already bought tickets
-i'm supposed to bring my friend gregg with us
-gregg is only coming because we get so see our mutual friend joel, and get tattooed by him.
-i have never been on an airplane
-it's fucking ratatat, live at stubbs
on a much more awesome note: i have been tattooing my face off lately. it's been ridiculously busy down here and i love it. more pictures will be posted on my facebook soon for those of you who are interested. and supposedly i am learning how to actually make fancy coffee beverages at my other job this week. good knowledge to have i suppose but not as excited about it.
sam, you are the shiz
max, you are the shiz also
jules, your face :)
signing off in desperation.
my face is about to melt off due to the sheer frustration that is permeating almost very aspect of my existence. poo. so you know those kids that head into town around this time of year? julia, you know what i'm talking about. college kids. neon-color-wearing, slang-talking, cocaine-doing, i-own-this-town-mentality-having d-bags. they are coming out of the fucking wood work and it's driving me mad. they are ruining my town, and making me hate kid cudi. fml.
on another equally aggravating note: i HATE my new room mate. for realsies. i don't think i have ever lived with anyone who i have hated more. and we have to share a bathroom. which is constantly covered in a thick film of foundation because of the amount of make-up that she wears. it's disgusting. dilemma: move out and be sane with a place for my dog to hang out? or save my money and go on a trip to see ratatat with russell?
arguments for moving out:
-no more period blood stains for me to find on the toilet seat (not fucking kidding)
-no more waking up at five am listening to her maniacally doing dishes or smoking weed and watching re-runs of the x-files at max volume
-no more coming home to find that my dog has been locked up in my room for five hours and has torn apart my bed sheets
-being able to walk to the kitchen in my underwear in the morning without having to worry if she brought home some random who felt such personal guilt about fucking her that he spent the latter half of the night on my futon in the living room
-actually getting to hang out in the house that i pay rent for rather than reclusing in my room constantly.
arguments for going to ratatat:
-russell will hate me forever if i don't go.
-he already bought tickets
-i'm supposed to bring my friend gregg with us
-gregg is only coming because we get so see our mutual friend joel, and get tattooed by him.
-i have never been on an airplane
-it's fucking ratatat, live at stubbs
on a much more awesome note: i have been tattooing my face off lately. it's been ridiculously busy down here and i love it. more pictures will be posted on my facebook soon for those of you who are interested. and supposedly i am learning how to actually make fancy coffee beverages at my other job this week. good knowledge to have i suppose but not as excited about it.
sam, you are the shiz
max, you are the shiz also
jules, your face :)
signing off in desperation.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
We need something else up there besides Olivia's sticky vagina, so I simply came here to tell you (class is about to start so I can't blong- blog long) that I successfully moved out of the KBGA bus and have a house to hold all my things now. My roommates are more like the characters of a gay Mexican soap opera than any gay Mexican soap opera that has ever been. I think two of them are moving to Miami though so things should be cooling down pretty quick.
I'll update again soon.
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