Monday, September 20, 2010

Here's the Thing

It has been literally hundreds of years since I've contributed anything of value to this thing and for that I sincerely apologize. But also it's been Fast Times at Ridgemont High/the University of Montana and Surrounding Areas so you can't really dog me that much, dogs.

BUT. I did move. I currently live with four dudes in an only vaguely dilapidated house that is so wicked cheap and in the most bomb location I can hardly believe I got it. Things I like about it (besides aforementioned all-stars price and place) include:
Cheddar and Gonzo (two of the roommates),
Oscar (Gonzo's dog),
big houseplants,
tall ceilings,
wonderful amounts of natural light,
three floors,
two fridges, and
secret closets fucking everywhere.

I light my way by her glowing bosoms.

Things I am apprehensive about include:
the main floor shower (pretty much Saw III was filmed in there),
lack of a record player,
the linoleum in my bedroom (I guess this is this a kitchen actually???), and
the middle-aged dude who has holed up here for 11 years and can't manage to clean said shower OR find a boyfriend who's either in this country or close to his age or both (I guess this is love actually???). He is currently in Mexico and will be for an undetermined amount of time.


Other bizarre turns in my life pretty much bend around KBGA, the radio station Clark manages generally, which is having its big Birthday Bash this Friday and will most likely be a killer time. I have folded many a t-shirt and distributed many a handbills in preparation, and I think it would be a thing all you Giant Spiders (blog contributors as well as our adoring and rapidly multiplying [like spiders tend to do] fan base) would enjoy to the utmostests of utmosts. I certainly wish you were here to enjoy it with me instead of being in places like Colombia, Chicago, New York, and Bozeman.

Ummmmm Olivia should choose a new place.

Today I walked up and down a hundred flights of stairs, got tested for TB, and had a two-hour lecture on child abuse.

Smell ya later!