Saturday, September 11, 2010

bitches be trippin.

and by bitches i mean EVERYONE.

my face is about to melt off due to the sheer frustration that is permeating almost very aspect of my existence. poo. so you know those kids that head into town around this time of year? julia, you know what i'm talking about. college kids. neon-color-wearing, slang-talking, cocaine-doing, i-own-this-town-mentality-having d-bags. they are coming out of the fucking wood work and it's driving me mad. they are ruining my town, and making me hate kid cudi. fml.

on another equally aggravating note: i HATE my new room mate. for realsies. i don't think i have ever lived with anyone who i have hated more. and we have to share a bathroom. which is constantly covered in a thick film of foundation because of the amount of make-up that she wears. it's disgusting. dilemma: move out and be sane with a place for my dog to hang out? or save my money and go on a trip to see ratatat with russell?

arguments for moving out:
-no more period blood stains for me to find on the toilet seat (not fucking kidding)
-no more waking up at five am listening to her maniacally doing dishes or smoking weed and watching re-runs of the x-files at max volume
-no more coming home to find that my dog has been locked up in my room for five hours and has torn apart my bed sheets
-being able to walk to the kitchen in my underwear in the morning without having to worry if she brought home some random who felt such personal guilt about fucking her that he spent the latter half of the night on my futon in the living room
-actually getting to hang out in the house that i pay rent for rather than reclusing in my room constantly.

arguments for going to ratatat:
-russell will hate me forever if i don't go.
-he already bought tickets
-i'm supposed to bring my friend gregg with us
-gregg is only coming because we get so see our mutual friend joel, and get tattooed by him.
-i have never been on an airplane
-it's fucking ratatat, live at stubbs

on a much more awesome note: i have been tattooing my face off lately. it's been ridiculously busy down here and i love it. more pictures will be posted on my facebook soon for those of you who are interested. and supposedly i am learning how to actually make fancy coffee beverages at my other job this week. good knowledge to have i suppose but not as excited about it.


sam, you are the shiz
max, you are the shiz also
jules, your face :)

signing off in desperation.


  1. i too have experienced roommate period blood on the toilet seat....

  2. it's disgusting. make me want to puke a baby disgusting.
