Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mash Update:

1) Sam is no longer in the first spot on Rachel's the Blog. The #1 slot* has been reserved for Calvin, and the #1 spot on the Blog de Rachelle has become occupied by a much more deserving subject: Mash-up. Contemporary music wallows in its own bohemian nature to such a degree that there is no longer any enjoyment to be found in listening to what the 'artists' want 'us' to 'hear.' We must mash it, and then toss it up. Toss it up into the American BlogMcSphere so that it will precipitate gloriousness upon us.

And now, another mash-up for the enjoyment of our audiences:

The owner of the intellectual property rights that can be enjoyed by accessing the following link has every right that said owner had reserved prior to my posting this link on this blog without any permission from said owner:

2) Columbia is super hot, and I have been schwitzing everywhere.

3) I have been listening to Sweet Dreams are Made of Seven Nation Army for the entire time that I have spent blogging on this blogspot blog. Also, I do actually enjoy things being mashed together, and Max sucks.

4) Max would go to Columbia.


  1. this makes little-to-no sense, but I'm glad you wrote it anyway :3

  2. omg where have you been????

    hi calvin!

  3. This is the best post in the history of our blog!
