Friday, April 15, 2011

Summerly summer

A moment of internet silence for Chynna's dog.

Sam and I have about a month left here in the big city then we'll be coming to Montana for the summer. I'm looking forward to actually having a summer: as in doing summerly things like walking in grass barefoot, swimming in pools, and bbq-ing outside. Yes, Cali has the beach but that can get lame real fast. sand all up in yo junk and seagulls eyeing your food.

This one is calling out for backup

We've taken up geocaching, which is a pretty sweet thing. It's like theres a whole other world underneath our noses we don't know about. And then when you find a geocache it's like you are linked to other people who have also found one. yeh yeh I know it sounds kinda cheese-ball but I sure get excited when we find one.

So yeh, Sam and I are modern day treasure hunters, pretty soon he’ll be wearing some sort of adventure hat and I’ll get us trapped in a pit or something. Maybe.

Signed up for fall classes, its back to the 15 unit grind next year. Hitchcock will become my personal best friend in one class while I’ll be competing in how to make art books against Sam in the other class.

Kinda like this but the darker one has boobs

I think that’s all for now…

over n out.

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