Monday, April 18, 2011

vroom vroom

Hey Everybody! I've been neglecting this blog as of late, and I'm deeply sorry for that. The truth is, and it's going to sound like a cop-out, that I've been to busy(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm currently sitting in front of two insanely bright computer displays which are, no doubt, shooting radioactive rays into all parts of my brain and probably making me sterile, trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to storyboard a portion of a feature-length film I'm writing about a chain smoking Evel Knievel type. I'm listening to the same Billy Joel-heavy playlist I've been listening to for months. I guess I can only concentrate when I'm being assured that working too hard can give you a heart attack-ack-ack-ack (iTunes tells me I've listened to Anthony's Song 61 times).

I've got almost exactly a month left of working absurdly hard until the wee hours, and then I can be a drunken roustabout again. That's really all I want. I've proven to myself that I can create adequate artistic output. Now I want the freedom to do it on my own terms, in my own space, and maybe with ample whisky-soda breaks. (Now Huey Lewis. I'm feeling the power of love)

Things that make me happy right now:

Mortal Kombat II

I saw a DeLorean today, in full Back to the Future time-machine decor

Rachel :3

Karaoke (Butte needs a karaoke bar not infested with meth-addled zombies, no?)

Now I'm getting distracted by the Wu-Tang and can't write anymore.

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