Saturday, April 9, 2011

Russell's whole familia is in the living room....

so i'm hiding in jessi's room listening to her tell stories to carl about tiny asian guys hitting on her in the bar....

good start. hey guys!!!!!! i know i have not posted in a while. i feel uber lazy and dumb as of lately. i think it's because the sky are all grey and shit.... ALL THE TIME!!! but i went to missoula for the last two days and saw my friend joel and got the tattoo on my hip finished. so that is exciting. he is a really rad artist and he always inspires me to draw more... so that is what i am going to be doing. maybe i will post pictures on here or my sad and abandoned other blog. i think that is all i have to say as of right now. i have to go to the museum of the rockies with the o'leary clan later and look at some frogs. no shit.

bonus: i recently found out i have no idea how to manage a touch screen phone. i like buttons.

sam i love you and i can't wait for you to come home with your hawt latina girlfriend.

max: ^^^ the same, maybe even with a hawt latina girlfriend that is not sam's hawt latina girlfriend.

julia: you are awesome and one day we will be more than internet friends. please?

rachel: teach me how to cuss in spanish.

gss fo lyfe!!!!!!!


  1. I am writing this from a fukkin Iphone. Olivia I realized the other day I hadn't seen the sun in weeks. It does make you stupid and lazy.

  2. your fukkin iphone can suck it sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    not all of us have weird and interesting shit to say all the time!!!! the pressure is too great!!!!

  3. No no no I mean it makes everyone stupid and lazy. Your post was fine, spaz
