Sunday, May 22, 2011

i swear i'm not dead.

hey ya'll!!!!! guess what???? i still exist... which shouldn't be really surprising except for the fact that all the good people were supposed to be sucked up to heaven by some holy vacuum and the rest of us were just supposed to stay here and tear each other apart????? luckily, it was just another delusion by some crazy christian wackjob and didn't really mean anything. i did try to use it as an excuse to get out of going to work that day but when my boss casually retorted with that little word that donald trump is so fond of i gave up on my dreams of using my last day on the planet to do copious amounts of cocaine and show my boobs to everyone, and instead went and made really grumpy tourists coffee. for all day. other than that... things are not so normal around here. i have decided that i will not be going to norway (this is where you all sigh sadly) and instead will be staying in bozeman and enrolling in school again. i hope this will kick my life into high gear for a while because even though we all had to listen to and read sam's bitching for the last year i was secretly envious. i miss the hustle... not like the rap game (i get to do that on the weekends) but i just miss being so balls deep in projects that when i lay down at night i can actually sleep. makes sense no???? so that is what i am doing. as for me and russell... we are still friends and care for each other a lot... so don't freak out. i miss you all and now that sam is in butte i feel a gss reunion coming on. what are everyone's plans for june????

max---- te amo your awesome.

julia... take lots o photos

sam... i love you.

rachel... i love you more probably.

chynna---- i don't know you but your posts are interesting and it would be fun to meet you *hint hint come to butte*

is that it???? if we have a new contributor i missed it and it's not my fault.

ciao bellas!!!!!
(in my heaviest drag queen accent)


  1. You missed Haylee, but it's kind of okay because how are you supposed to know her name is Haylee when she uses a bizarre encrypted pseudonym?

  2. well now i know... haylee.... i'm sorry and will include you in all future posts.
