Friday, May 6, 2011

Que hubo parceros?

The other day I went into a small grocery store to buy some food. The cashier handed me my items, and I replied with the customary "gracias!". Except instead of saying gracias I said "cuatro!"...which you may know and love in English as the number 4. I don't know where these mental slip-ups come from but it's basically shown me that being a Spanish major has its limitations.

Also, a few weeks ago someone spray painted on my house "No a la invasion imperialista en Libia" (No to the imperialist invasion of Lybia)...which makes me think someone out there knows I'm American and is blaming me for bombing Lybia. But I'm innocent. The only bombs I drop are news updates like the following: I'll be in Butte June 11th through June 27th and in that time I want to kiss each and everyone of you.

That is all.


  1. that's such a short time :((

  2. Max, the Solstice party is June 18. Can you come with Sam to that????

  3. I respectfully request that you, Rachel, Sam, and anyone else in Butte come visit me in Bozeman.
