Monday, May 9, 2011

Now that I'm done with college and yet another commercially-driven holiday is behind me and the flower shop, I theoretically have more time to blog, but that doesn't mean I actually will. Because here is the thing. I have to move out of my house, "have fun with my family while they're in town," then get ready for our enormous road trip.

This is roughly our path. We leave Missoula May 18, and while I'm lounging around Ellensburg for a month, Clark and Kyle will be working for a friend of Clark's on her ranch in Nevada. They are going to build a straw bale structure of some kind; they've downscaled somewhat from their original goal so I'm not a hundred percent on what they're actually doing besides getting buff and tan. Then they'll come back up to Ellensburg, and after the Solstice party on June 18, we actually technically hit the road.

All the way west, then south, then fuckin' Grand Canyon camping for Fourth of July, then three steamy weeks at Clark's parents' house in Arkansas.

We will get to see America in all its shining glory.

Then, somehow, we're supposed to get all the way up the east coast and back to Missoula by the third week of August, giving Clark and Kyle enough time to get ready for fall semester (suckers). As of right now, we're set to be in Cleveland for Clark's birthday, August 16. We'll see how that goes.

Already getting ready for the birthday party.

Seriously, though, I can't really hang out on the blogosphere the next two weeks or so. Sorry, I'll blog all about Ellensburg when I get there.


  1. P.S. It is Whittaker's birthday today. He is celebrating by having mono. What an idiot.

  2. great blog about not blogging

  3. I know. I also realize that "three steamy weeks at Clark's parents' house" could be taken the wrong way, but don't. I just meant that we'll be in the south in a forest, and I expect it to be humid.
