Sunday, May 15, 2011

Unusually Calm

So I took a spontaneous trip to Montana and am, right at this very minute, sitting in Clark's living room with Julia + family as they talk about her road trip (should have jumped on this, it sounds AWESOME, though Julia was not willing to go to the world's most giant ball of yarn though so I'm headed to Ireland instead) and we digest an amazing breakfast.
Montana has been unusually tame. The wind has been crazy and people's houses are getting smashed all around us, but the fact that I remember everything that happened this weekend means that things have definitely changed. I miss the days of midget fights and free drugs from hobos (tags: first trip to Montana, alternate universe, MOM COME AND GET ME THINGS HAVE GOTTEN STRANGE) but I'm now feeling kind of inclined to maybe move here for a bit. We'll see.
Anyway, Julia was disappointed that I hadn't posted more so this is my whirlwind update, I told her I was intimidated by how fascinating and funny all the rest of y'all are. Congratulations, and carry on.

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