Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The 28th Ammedment: Freedom of singing, climbing, drinking, and painting

In true Max fashion, I'll share my 3rd/4th of July reflections far too late for them to be in any way, shape, or form, relevant. In my mind, the 3rd was a great success because we ended it in a sing-along in which at least 67% of the participants were on a chair or table, said participants knew at least 80% of the words (after searching through Julia's post it shouldn't be too hard to guess which songs we sang), and 100% of those participating could not keep a tune and had a BAC high enough to prevent them from operating a pair of shoes, let alone drive a car.

Whilst my friends watched TV during the day of the fourth, my family, some family friends, and I climbed Mt. Fleecer and from the top we could identify 15 (fifteen!) differnt mountain ranges. Seeing the majestic beauty of these peaks made me question how I could ever think staying in town and drinking was fun when I could just as easily go out and explore these wonderful mountains.

Of course, we spent that night in town, drinking. However, we were graced with the presence of Mike and his wonderful fiance, Hannah. After giving Hannah shit for her suggesting a drink that was in his opinion 'too girly', Mike promptly ordered himself, me, and Sam Long Island iced tea's while Hannah ordered a 20 (twenty!) oz. beer and put us all to shame. Sometimes the universe just goes backward on itself.

We exercised our American freedom that night and infiltrated a building where our pal Olivia ( a different Olivia than our fine blog commentator) had begun a canvas painting of a melting desert road billowing off the edge of the earth. Or at least that's what was on the canvas after our gaggle of inebriated (and at times shoeless) artists had a go with the paint.

The most adorable moment of the night was Sam and Hannah getting all googly-eyed with eachother because they are artists and love Mac's and Macintosh things.

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