Thursday, July 8, 2010

sans folk makes me sad

soooooooooooooooooooooooo i dunno about you guys but i spend the entirety of my day on facebook and this blog. it's not because i'm a fat lazy pig who has no friends in real life (trust me, given the chance i would be on a mountaintop and i'm really jealous of max right now). mostly it's due to the fact that i have a kushy desk job that allows me to sit inside a posh, air-conditioned office on my ass aaaaaalllll day long (bonus-i also get to bring my dog to work). and my netflix account has just run out so i'm conditioned to check my profile every twenty minutes.

facebook is a glorious tool. it has allowed me to re-connect in a way that myspace prohibited me from doing because i would look up long lost friends and see the shit that they had pasted all over their profiles and immediately click the "back" button. things like kim kardashian lying naked facedown on a beach somewhere (not in the dead fish kind of way, more like the sultry eyes kind of way) or what looks to be a hello kitty barf-a-thon. facebook has none of this nonsense. it's safe. anyhoo, the point being that now i know what every single person i have ever met is up to at any given moment. and guess what all the butte kids are jabbering about? you got it. fucking folk fest. and it sounds like a blast. i personally have never experienced it. because i'm lame and what not. but this year i was really hoping to get in on the fun. the problem is, i can't ever ever ever get an extra day off. it seems as though every single co-worker of mine has had like, a massive amount of time off this year to do stupid shit like go to ten year high school reunions and mother-in-law birthdays (seriously? who gets days off for that kind of shit?). but when olivia needs a day off to say, move all her shit out of her ex-boyfriend's house (which i still have not done and i've been living out of a backpack for the last three weeks) or take her dog to the vet, pay bills, go to the last year of folk fest and other important shit like work on my tan, it's a no-go. sorry dude, but you totally have to stand there with a smile on your face while we shove this huge baton up your ass. i mean, i totally have sunday off anyway, which means i could go, except for the fact that my sister planned my nephew's first birthday on that day. i'm genuinely thinking about not showing up because all of my sisters are certifiably crazy and they probably are going to bombard me with questions about shit that i'd rather leave buried in the deep recesses of my skull. and who remembers their first birthday anyway? i'm gonna buy him a disney movie. and kids don't care if you're there, they care only about what's underneath the paper. at least that's my justification. so i will put it to a vote. GSS.... do i go to my nephew's birthday party and end up smoking weed in my car all day in order to get through the whole thing? does that make me soulless? or do i come up with some lame-ass excuse and go enjoy the debauchery that is folk fest with a shit ton of people i haven't seen in ten years? i'll let you decide. whichever gets the most votes wins. that way i can blame any outcome on you guys and sleep at night.

sam-thanks for the extra bed, man. and the rad drawing in the morn.

max- your cannibalism quote went over well with all my bozeman friends.

jules- i'm in awe.

1 comment:

  1. sam... i figured i'd give the links thing one more go. obviosly i am a failure. teach me your ways.
