Monday, July 26, 2010

shit's going to get fluffy

alright so as far as sam's comment on julia's last post goes... may i just note that maybe this blog wouldn't be so damned vagina-oriented if our male contributors oh i don't know, actually contributed???? jussayin. you guys can start posting things like measuring contests and the fact that i saw sam cuddle max better when wilbur hit him in the face with a pillow the other night if you want to, and i will read and enjoy them. but when us girls wanna talk about the puke-a-kitten-cute-shit that guys do for us those rules apply. got it?

unexpected things are just coming out of the wood work for me lately, and i know my posts as of late have been all bitchy and what not, but get ready for a curve ball... i am currently falling down the rabbit hole known as "a new prospective relationship". and damn is he just super neat. and without going into detail because sam and max would just have a fucking hey day with this, i really really really like him. and i think he thinks i'm pretty swell too. i feel good. in a hate myself kind of way because i'm not usually your cuddly, sentimental type. but this thing, whatever it is shaping up to be, makes visions of puppy dogs, fluffy towels, flying squirrels and other various bits of adorable shit fill my head and it feels awesome.

jules, i know what you mean about the stolen my heart? thing.... way to go.

sam, try not to hork too many times after reading this.

max... go drink some more tea, and i'm really really really gonna miss you man.

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