Sunday, August 1, 2010

So it's currently 3:44 am and I get on the plane to go to Colombia at 6:30 which means I'm not sleeping tonight. What better thing to do than write on the blog? I'm kind of in that no-tethered state right now, so I'm just gonna do a stream-of-consciousness sort of rant. I don't know if stream-of-consciousness has those hyphens in between each word. But whatever. That's how I wrote it so you can just deal. I usually complain about not having anything to write and tonight (this morning) I am just going to write words as they pop into my head. It's kind of a risk because I'm not sure if anything decent, compelling, or worthwhile will spill into this post. I have a feeling it wont. But can't worry about that. Just got to keep writing. Just keep going. Hit a blank wall. Thought I had a good bit about just keeping going, but that ran now I'm just typing looking for more good words to say. Haven't said any good words yet. Now it's 3:48. I had a slice of pizza. It was good but it kind of gave me heart burn. Sam got drunk at dinner tonight. On beer. I had two glasses of wine and the second one was free!!! I think it might have something to do with the fact the bartender is gay. Just saying. Then we went to the Cavalier lounge after dinner and I had a glass of lame-ass red wine and I told the bartender, Sam (not blog Sam but cool shaved head and a soul patch Sam) that I wanted something that would cut my tongue up. Like chewing on broken glass. He made me a Sazerac. I enjoyed it, but mostly because I was flanked on both sides by such good people...Sam (of Giant Spider Society fame) and the lovely Olivia (not to be confused with the GSS Olivia [Olive], who is also lovely).
I ate dinner with Olive in Bozeman the other night. She got shanked by her fucking bosses for 'insubordination' even though it sounds like she was the only competent one in the entire company. Olive--fight the good fight and I know you'll get another job soon. Fuck those people. Burn their shit down. Now it's 3:55. I'm still kind of hungry so I might have some ice cream. I love everyone and even when I'm in Colombia a (few hours from now) I will make the same promises about writing on the blog and then post only one sub-par commentary every six weeks just like I do now. Some things will never change. Eva. But seriously, Big ups to my GSS gangstas, and special shout out to our least valuable player, Calvin Murphy. Calvin works for some environmental ponzi scheme as a fundraiser/door-to-door activist. He was going to lose his job if he didn't raise $327 in one night because this organization sets weekly quotas and they ax anyone he goes two weeks without meeting the standard. Calvin was on the last day of his second week. His back was up against the wall. He was standing on the precipice of failure. The odds were stacked against him. There was a deep tinge of resignation in his voice when I talked to him on the phone. Then the motherfucker went and raised $340! In one night! Props, sir. It's 4:01 am. I'm going to make a pot of coffee.

1 comment:

  1. i love you. and you are lovely as well. that's right, men can be lovely too! please keep writing max. poo.
