Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sappy, maple-syrupy vagina face

omg. i guess rights abouts nows is the time when we all get super-nostalgic about this last summer.

whenever i get all sappy about shit my friend shayna tells me that i am a vagina. when it gets really bad she tells me i have viscous liquids dripping from said orifice. right now i could cover every pancake and waffle known to man. holy crap i miss you guys. it's so bad that i refuse to go to butte because you guys aren't there. seriously. russell invited me to go last weekend. it made me sad that i had literally no one left to hang out with. besides cordel, but he's not much for conversation. this shit is depressing.

on a better note. i now have two jobs. i love them both. i am currently logging this post from the computer at the tattoo shop that i now work in. it's manned by a wicked ass crew that make me guffaw on a second to second basis. and sara martin rocks. check her shit out. and those are just the photos she takes. if you want to see her skin art, come down to the shop.
also. organic coffee shop. the shit. too much fun. i get to harass yuppies and i get paid for it. win.

and then there are other things too. i suppose i could write about them but that would force me to sift through the magma of emotions and various data to try and find some sort of cohesive way to explain shit, but i've been up since 7 am (due to coffee shop job) and i'm fucking tired.

sam... prease don't exprode. i'm going to send you care packages. i need your address.

max... i'm not sending you shit because your host family spoils you. well, maybe some pepper spray :)

jules... maybe you would be willing to hang out with me in butte sometime???

i'm getting a GSS tattoo. no jokes. that's how much you guys mean to me.

one love.


  1. olivia. my address, it is on my facebook page. I can't give that shit out cause i'd be in sooo much internet danger then!

    I miss you, too, but you'll come see me. Chicago is actually nifty(!)

  2. your face is nifty.

  3. Where are you gonna get this GSS tattoo put?

  4. not quite sure yet...why? you want to get matching tattoos with me max?????
