Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A brief bout of rage.

Max is a blog judas and started a new fucking blog. I'm heart broken and crest fallen. He's abandoned America and he's abandoned the GSS.

I haven't written on here in a really long time because I am shiftless and lazy. I guess I've been working some and socializing, but I shouldn't make excuses for my failure.

I leave for Chicago in 16 days so I probably need to be mentally preparing or something. I've actually fallen in love with Butte all over again in the last bunch of months and it will be odd to leave it behind to, I assume, crumble away to dust. All I regret is that I was comatose for so long and let myself have such bad writer's block that only now am I starting to pull ideas out of this place and it's almost too late. If you've never been here, maybe you should give it a visit. When I'm not feeling so ornery I'll do like a nice write-up about it or something.

Check out Maria Abramović. She's an intense and fucking real performance artist operating in New York. I know exactly two things about her: She sounds like Dracula and Lady Gaga is in to her.

Also check out Italian Spiderman because it's cool.

K well I guess I'll be in Seattle in three days, so if anyone wants to shake my hand/assassinate me while I'm there, let me know and we'll make it happen. buh bye.

PS read max's blog. he's sensitive and needs validation.

PPS I've been listing to a lot of shitty "indie electronica" lately (ex: Caribou) and I can't shake the feeling that I'm starting down the long and depressing road towards listening to adult contemporary easy listening. Please share your thoughts.

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