Monday, August 23, 2010


I would like to thank Olivia for defending me and letting the rest of the GSS know that I'm not a Judas. Yes, I did start a new blog, but it was only because all the other Fulbright kids were doing it and I wanted to be cool. It in no way, shape, or form is meant to detract from the wonderful musings poured out on this blog, the one and only headquarters of the Giant Spider Society. But Sam is right. I am sensitive and need validation. Said it.

So now that I'm in a foreign country and all I guess I'm doing the requisite soul searching one is supposed to do whilst alone in a new land. I'm actually not that alone. I live with a wonderful host family, and they treat me very well. They like talking to me about Colombian dishes, fruit juice, and how much they fucking hate Hugo Chavez. I politely nod and agree. My host dad is a bit on the conservative side and is a huge fan of both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. I do my best to debate him...but arguing in Spanish is tricky.

Sorry for the digression. Back to the soul searching. Here's what I've learned: My soul belongs in Montana. I miss Montana. If I can't be happy there I won't be happy anywhere. It's not that I'm unhappy in Colombia, but Montana is truly the land of the free. You never have to worry about your security except in the rare case of a roving grizzly bear or mountain lion. You can pee in public with a 90% chance no one will see you. You can drink beer on the sidewalk (in Butte anyway), and you can drive way over the speed limit. You don't have to pay a sales tax. Montana is the American dream.

To float on a river, as Olivia so eloquently describes, is to live and be happy. And Rocket Man, even when it is partially mumbled, if fucking awesome.

I'm gonna take a page from Olivia's book and end with shoutouts:

Julia-I have no idea how you are doing but I hear your shit is fuxed up. I hope it gets un-fuxed up...maybe you should play your guitar on the sidewalk more often so more people can hear and they will throw dollars and good wishes your way.

Calvin- I'm assuming you're still alive and I know that you will never read this post so I guess I can say whatever about you. But I don't know what to say.

Sam- God Dammit. Just write the next great American novel already! You know you want to. I want you to, too.

Olivia- Keep floating on those damn rivers--both the real ones and the metaphorical ones. It will take you someplace good. Hopefully wherever it takes you there is coffee and tattoos.

Ok. I'm out. I have to make a power-point presentation about Montana to show to some Colombian high school students tomorrow. Not really sure how I'm going to explain the Berkeley Pit.


  1. max, montana misses you. jussayin. try not to get killed by revolutionaries :)

  2. i need to figure out how to stop my brain from screaming so loud all the time and then I'll write something incomprehensibly grand and beautiful and you'll cry fat baby Max tears when you read it.
