Friday, August 6, 2010

we are so fucked,

alright guys and girls... come on now...

it's been six days and no new posts? what is going on with all of our lives that we can't take a fraction of an hour to sit down and write on this damn thing? (max, this excludes you as you have a fucking awesome excuse and you were the one who posted last anyway.)

i'm jussayin. not that this post is going to be in any way valuable to what we are trying to do here.... (what is that, by the way...does anyone know?) but it seems like we have been slacking as of late, myself included so don't go all hater on me yet sam. and my excuse is really not that great, other than the fact that i no longer have that kushy desk job i had mentioned in a previous post. so instead of sitting inside perusing the interweb and trying desperately to kill time all day long, i have been pursuing new outlets. like making music videos, learning to blow glass, smoking mad amounts of cigarettes and leisurely floating down the river whilst listening to pretty girls sing. right now i'm listening to russell oleary fuck around on his new drum set. and i'm sure i will elaborate on most of these things in future posts but right now i'm going to go over to my friend kookachoo's house and sit and talk about whales, among other things.

julia.... great to finally meet you, even though it was only a fifteen minute excursion.

sam, i'll be in town this weekend. hit me up.

max, hope the flight was cool and culture shock doesn't suck a big one.

(i'm thinking about making you all a t-shirt)

1 comment:

  1. My car, bike and computer are all broken, ye olde bosses cut my hours at work, and I just found out last week I have to find a new place to live for the fall. This is why I have not been a-blogging. I'll be back soon though.
