Hey guys! What's up with you? Me? Oh, you know, I still live in Chicago. It's cool.
I guess it's been maybe a few weeks too long since I've written on this thing, but you have to understand that pretty much I'll I do here in Art Schoool is homework (here's a secret i went through most of college pretty much doing almost none of my homework so this is a big deal for me!!!!!!!!!). I'm trying to commandeer (steal) a camera so I don't just have boring-ass walls of text.

people like hot dogs here
Here's some stuff I've done to tide you over until I can write something not shitty/think of something interesting to write about:
1. Learned a bunch of nerd bullshit like "Flash" and "Maya" and "Photoshop" and gay shit no one who gets laid regularly would ever care about.
2. Made a cartoon with a farting dinosaur.
3. Found a nice girlfriend(!) who is also a bomb ass photographer/painter. HERE IS HER WEB DOMAIN you will notice I am in first place on that blog, just the way it should be.
4. Fuck you, Max!
5. Met a bouncer who got us into a Dirty Projectors show for free.
6. Pushed a man in front of a subway train.
I miss you all especially bad. I will get a GSS tattoo if Olivia really gets one. I promise.
Friday is my birthday so you all have to write nice posts about MEEEEEE.
ReplyDeletehappy early birtyhday. i miss you.
and i totally am getting a gss tattoo. i will post it when it's done so you can bask in it's glory.
love you more than eric clapton loves cocaine.
Fuck Sam and Fuck his birthday! But don't fuck GSS tattoos. I'm excited to see the pics!