Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
google "bill murray spider"
do it. we are the 5th and 6th hits on google. so if there is anyone in the world who is wondering if bill murray is afraid of arachnids, they won't find their answer, they will find sam ranting about avatar and crying about how max left. which i think is better. jussayin. 5,000 hits? dang. how is everyone" personal blogs doing? not as good? yeah, me either. i guess we just bring the brilliant out in each other. or maybe i just bring the brilliant out in all of you. bahahahahaaahahahahaha. suck it.
max, you can't be batman. sam has replaced you. you'll get em next year kid.
julia... i am ever so curious as to what you're being for the upcoming festivities. enlighten me prease.
sam, once again. pee. holy fucking shit balls i'm going to see you in less than seven days!
caaaaaaaaaaaalvin. write about the revolution or something. write about you're cat's licking patterns, anything.... i miss your musk.
i'm being michael jackson from the bad album cover. fuck you guys, it's so cool.
max, you can't be batman. sam has replaced you. you'll get em next year kid.
julia... i am ever so curious as to what you're being for the upcoming festivities. enlighten me prease.
sam, once again. pee. holy fucking shit balls i'm going to see you in less than seven days!
caaaaaaaaaaaalvin. write about the revolution or something. write about you're cat's licking patterns, anything.... i miss your musk.
i'm being michael jackson from the bad album cover. fuck you guys, it's so cool.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Bienvenidos from just north of equator
Re: Halloween. Colombians celebrate just like we do in the USA. As far as I can tell, the holiday has literally been transported piece by piece. There are even all these signs and banners around that say 'Happy Halloween'...no one has even tried to translate it. I'm playing in a Halloween -costume ultimate Frisbee tournament , but our team hasn't decided on our costume theme yet. I'll keep you posted. Main thing is I'm super sad I won't be in Chicago with you guys :(
Bill Murray Bill Murray Bill Murray Bill Murray
Here are some things I would like to say about Colombia:
1) It's spelled ColOmbia...not ColUmbia. Just sayin'.
2) There are ants all over my house...they dig holes in the kitchen counter and crawl around under my key board. And as I've started to write this blog post, I've been bitten by like three mosquitoes.
3) Today was my last class working with nurses at the medical school. I had them debate about which patient they would choose to give medical treatment to ( a sick baby or an international aid worker who needed a vaccine ASAP to go help with a foreign crisis). I thought it would be a good way for them to practice English but it just turned into a Spanish screaming match. The baby-team won.
4) I went hiking the other day and got slightly lost. I DID NOT get kidnapped or step on a land mine...but when I got back I got a lecture about getting kidnapped or stepping on a land mine.
5) TV shows Colombians like: The Simpsons, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family and Two and a Half Men. I guess I should start watching TV again so I can relate to my students better. Modern Family has been pretty funny so far but I can't bring myself to watch Two and a Half Men.
6) Colombia is North of the equator.
Bill Murray Bill Murray Bill Murray Bill Fuckin' Murray Bill Murray
I wish I had something funny or witty to say. But I don't.
I miss you all and I want you to come to Colombia because beer is only 80 cents a bottle and I bought a potato and steak shiskcabob (spelling?) on my drunken stumble home the other night. Wish you were all here stumbling with me :( Ok, I'll quit being emo and go back to whatever important thing I was doing before Sam reminded me that I should write on the blog.
We Have 5,000-ish Hits
We are cool as Burl Ives in his Oscar-winning role "Sam the Snowman" from the timeless children's classic "Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July."

PS to my co-contributors, not including Julia and Olivia so I guess mostly Calvin and Max: Write on the blog, idiots. MAX YOU ARE IN COLoMBIA. PLEASE WRITE ABOUT IT.
PPS Welcome to our loyal reader in Honduras.
Scrooged Caddyshack A CInderella Story Bill Murray
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Git Ur Bütz Awn
I recorded a country album, bitch! We spent 12 hours straight in Clark's studio last weekend, where Ryan and I kicked out a bunch of one-take wonders onto which Clark laid down some sweet guitar riffs and/or drum beats (the man is a prince). And then he also mixed it then and there and suddenly I'm a recording artist.
Sam is making us album art but until then we have some limited edition prints with pictures of badgers, tequila, and a man pointing at a bowl of Spanish rice.
I can't figure this fucking thing out so maybe later I'll post a song but we don't even have this new shit on our Myspace so don't bother looking.
Post Script: The middle-aged man who owns/sort of lives in our house decided he's going to be in Mexico until May, so to make it livable while he's gone, the other three boys and I are doing a gigantic ceremonial sanitation and reconstruction a la Flip That House, only better. Chet used to say the only way we can really clean this house is via flamethrower, but I think we all want to remain non-homeless so I think sledgehammer and bleach is maybe as far as we'll go.
I'll keep you posted.
Sam is making us album art but until then we have some limited edition prints with pictures of badgers, tequila, and a man pointing at a bowl of Spanish rice.
I can't figure this fucking thing out so maybe later I'll post a song but we don't even have this new shit on our Myspace so don't bother looking.
Post Script: The middle-aged man who owns/sort of lives in our house decided he's going to be in Mexico until May, so to make it livable while he's gone, the other three boys and I are doing a gigantic ceremonial sanitation and reconstruction a la Flip That House, only better. Chet used to say the only way we can really clean this house is via flamethrower, but I think we all want to remain non-homeless so I think sledgehammer and bleach is maybe as far as we'll go.
I'll keep you posted.
Friday, October 15, 2010
ok so all of you can be really fucking jealous right now because I'M GOING TO GO SEE SAM FOR HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!
yeah. suck it.
so we were texting this morning trying to figure out what i want to dress up as, because i can't mob into chicago for the first time ever in my life with a lame ass costume. (like russ is going as cowboy- real original) and then we got into that whole conversation of how "once girls hit a certain age can they not dress up like car crash fatalities and have to be hawt or what?" -sam 11:53 am today
to which i replied "you only have x amount of time to be hawt before your just inappropriate with saggy skin and thinning hair" to which sam replied "that actually makes perfect sense, i take it back." lol lol lol lol.
but that got me thinking... at which point did it become ok for me to stop dressing up as bill murray from the ghost busters (you're welcome sam) or a dalmation, or dracula, and start dressing up as uma thurman in various movie roles, or dita von teese? and i'm starting to realize that the only reason that i dress up all floozy like every single year is because i'm fucking lazy. do you know how long it takes to fashion your own home-made proton pack? or how full face chalky make-up tends to start melting after the first thirty minutes? do you know how easy it is to just push your boobs out a bit, wear lace gloves and some sort of stockings and people see that as being adequately costumey? so so so so easy. last year i was a vampire ballerina. i got the dress second hand from my old room mate.... and it took me all of thirty minutes to get ready. it took my boyfriend longer to throw fake blood all over him than it took me to get fully dressed and then scrub aforementioned fake blood out of the carpet because someone got a little too enthusiastic.
and now i am in the midst of deciding if i'm going to be a drag queen or lady luck for halloween. the drag queen thing would be so rad bu i would have to find a full length sequin gown that fit well, and maybe pluck my eyebrows off and redraw them on to get the full effect you know what i mean? and as sam pointed out earlier lady luck might be a little obscure. so we'll see how far my laziness extends and maybe i'll just punk out and be that soulless cunt kat von d. easy enough.
bill murray bill murray bill murray zombieland.
sam. i'm gonna pee a little bit when i see you. you are forewarned.
julia. i'm sure your costume is way more witty and well-thought than mine. don't judge me.
max.... are you even celebrating? do they do that down there?
calvin. hi.
gss out.
yeah. suck it.
so we were texting this morning trying to figure out what i want to dress up as, because i can't mob into chicago for the first time ever in my life with a lame ass costume. (like russ is going as cowboy- real original) and then we got into that whole conversation of how "once girls hit a certain age can they not dress up like car crash fatalities and have to be hawt or what?" -sam 11:53 am today
to which i replied "you only have x amount of time to be hawt before your just inappropriate with saggy skin and thinning hair" to which sam replied "that actually makes perfect sense, i take it back." lol lol lol lol.
but that got me thinking... at which point did it become ok for me to stop dressing up as bill murray from the ghost busters (you're welcome sam) or a dalmation, or dracula, and start dressing up as uma thurman in various movie roles, or dita von teese? and i'm starting to realize that the only reason that i dress up all floozy like every single year is because i'm fucking lazy. do you know how long it takes to fashion your own home-made proton pack? or how full face chalky make-up tends to start melting after the first thirty minutes? do you know how easy it is to just push your boobs out a bit, wear lace gloves and some sort of stockings and people see that as being adequately costumey? so so so so easy. last year i was a vampire ballerina. i got the dress second hand from my old room mate.... and it took me all of thirty minutes to get ready. it took my boyfriend longer to throw fake blood all over him than it took me to get fully dressed and then scrub aforementioned fake blood out of the carpet because someone got a little too enthusiastic.
and now i am in the midst of deciding if i'm going to be a drag queen or lady luck for halloween. the drag queen thing would be so rad bu i would have to find a full length sequin gown that fit well, and maybe pluck my eyebrows off and redraw them on to get the full effect you know what i mean? and as sam pointed out earlier lady luck might be a little obscure. so we'll see how far my laziness extends and maybe i'll just punk out and be that soulless cunt kat von d. easy enough.
bill murray bill murray bill murray zombieland.
sam. i'm gonna pee a little bit when i see you. you are forewarned.
julia. i'm sure your costume is way more witty and well-thought than mine. don't judge me.
max.... are you even celebrating? do they do that down there?
calvin. hi.
gss out.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Butte Update prt2 Bill Murray Edition
So just now I was talking to my girlfriend about how Bill Murray used to own the Butte minor league baseball team, The Copper Kings, in like the early nineties. I've told this anecdote about Murray hijacking a trolly tour a million times, but I can't remember where I heard it and I'm not even sure it's true. As I told the story, I got to thinking that Bill Murray being in Butte is definitely the kind of thing people would bring up more if it had really happened, so I decided to investigate.

a young bill murray lounges in quiet repose
My internet detective skills turned up a snippet from this book talking about Bill sitting in his private box at the baseball field, winking at people and having charity events and barbecues and things like that. I couldn't find anything besides that, but I guess that's enough for me.
So here's my point: This is a big deal. Bill Fucking Murray ran around Butte and no one talks about it. It's lost history of the highest order. I looked for a way to write him fan mail, but I couldn't find anything so here's my new plan: write Bill Murray in this blog post enough times that when he does his daily Google search of his name (Bill Murray), he'll see this site and think, "Bill Murray, I had some good times in Butte. I think I'll swing by there sometime soon and have a beer." I'm not saying he should like meet with me or anything creepy, I don't even live there anymore. He should just go back. Butte's cool. Bill Murray's cool. Just saying. So if you know a person who knows a person who knows Bill Murray, pass this along
Bill Murray Ghostbusters Garfield Groundhog Day
Monday, October 4, 2010
Butte Update
I drove through Butte yesterday and when I went to tell people I was in town and see if anyone could grab a cup of coffee the only person I could think of was Tim, the 17-year-old boy who is still in high school and who doesn't drink coffee even but he had a Dr. Pepper to pass the time. I think he's probably pretty lonely but it sounds like he's got some good shenanigans in the works in True Tim Form.
Otherwise we tried to negotiate fences and/or rubble to check out old buildings with no success and got diabetes from the candy store in Philipsburg.
Back to real life!
Otherwise we tried to negotiate fences and/or rubble to check out old buildings with no success and got diabetes from the candy store in Philipsburg.
Back to real life!
Friday, October 1, 2010
It's fucking Halloween Month, bitches! Despite being a total pussy, Halloween is the dearest holiday to my heart. In Butte and Missoula people put up mad decorations, which warmed my jaded and bitter heart. Here in the heart of the city, though, I'm really worried that the month will pass and their will be no sign that it was Halloween at all. It's not really a holiday for suits and squares and it's overall not as important as it used to be. There aren't boss Halloween edition Gushers or Very Special Home Improvement and Boy Meets World Halloween Specials anymore, and that's just terrible.

Whatever. I bought my Count Chocula today and I'm buying rubber bats tomorrow and I' going to get balls deep in to Halloween.
Here's a place with a sick Halloween countdown and jukebox.
hey bloggers/readers
a few things:
-sam's new girlfriend is hawt. kudos buddy. you were out there for what? three weeks? good form man.
-max needs to post more.
-julia, i'm glad you have the glow of premium beer and fake titties to guide your way at night. good form as well.
-calvin. good to hear you're alive. i was beginning to wonder....
as for me i have been staying uber busy with two jobs. this whole tattooing thing has been really taking off, for which i am seriously grateful. russell and i just took a trip down to austin texas, where the only things that are bigger are the freaking crickets and the scenester kids, but i got a bitchin new tattoo that can be seen on my facebook (no it's not the gs one, that one comes soon) and we got to see ratatat live at stubbs. they play a wicked good show, even though the opening band played a song about the lead singer's cat. weird. airplanes are cool. and the stewardess gave me my very own pair of wings like the fat kid in that movie heavyweights... ever seen it? ben stiller plays an anorexic crazy person. good shit. speaking of crazy people, i have to go move all my shit out of the crazy house that i have been living in tonight. woot woot!
dope sauce.
a few things:
-sam's new girlfriend is hawt. kudos buddy. you were out there for what? three weeks? good form man.
-max needs to post more.
-julia, i'm glad you have the glow of premium beer and fake titties to guide your way at night. good form as well.
-calvin. good to hear you're alive. i was beginning to wonder....
as for me i have been staying uber busy with two jobs. this whole tattooing thing has been really taking off, for which i am seriously grateful. russell and i just took a trip down to austin texas, where the only things that are bigger are the freaking crickets and the scenester kids, but i got a bitchin new tattoo that can be seen on my facebook (no it's not the gs one, that one comes soon) and we got to see ratatat live at stubbs. they play a wicked good show, even though the opening band played a song about the lead singer's cat. weird. airplanes are cool. and the stewardess gave me my very own pair of wings like the fat kid in that movie heavyweights... ever seen it? ben stiller plays an anorexic crazy person. good shit. speaking of crazy people, i have to go move all my shit out of the crazy house that i have been living in tonight. woot woot!
dope sauce.
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