Tuesday, October 26, 2010

google "bill murray spider"

do it. we are the 5th and 6th hits on google. so if there is anyone in the world who is wondering if bill murray is afraid of arachnids, they won't find their answer, they will find sam ranting about avatar and crying about how max left. which i think is better. jussayin. 5,000 hits? dang. how is everyone" personal blogs doing? not as good? yeah, me either. i guess we just bring the brilliant out in each other. or maybe i just bring the brilliant out in all of you. bahahahahaaahahahahaha. suck it.

max, you can't be batman. sam has replaced you. you'll get em next year kid.

julia... i am ever so curious as to what you're being for the upcoming festivities. enlighten me prease.

sam, once again. pee. holy fucking shit balls i'm going to see you in less than seven days!

caaaaaaaaaaaalvin. write about the revolution or something. write about you're cat's licking patterns, anything.... i miss your musk.

i'm being michael jackson from the bad album cover. fuck you guys, it's so cool.


  1. you must have SafeSearch on or something cause from where I'm sitting we're hits one through three for "Bill Murray spider" and the first two for "Bill Murray Butte." WOWZERZ

  2. holy shit! we are like all famous and shit now. i'm gonna start wearing sean john sweatpants immediately.
