Friday, October 1, 2010


hey bloggers/readers

a few things:

-sam's new girlfriend is hawt. kudos buddy. you were out there for what? three weeks? good form man.

-max needs to post more.

-julia, i'm glad you have the glow of premium beer and fake titties to guide your way at night. good form as well.

-calvin. good to hear you're alive. i was beginning to wonder....

as for me i have been staying uber busy with two jobs. this whole tattooing thing has been really taking off, for which i am seriously grateful. russell and i just took a trip down to austin texas, where the only things that are bigger are the freaking crickets and the scenester kids, but i got a bitchin new tattoo that can be seen on my facebook (no it's not the gs one, that one comes soon) and we got to see ratatat live at stubbs. they play a wicked good show, even though the opening band played a song about the lead singer's cat. weird. airplanes are cool. and the stewardess gave me my very own pair of wings like the fat kid in that movie heavyweights... ever seen it? ben stiller plays an anorexic crazy person. good shit. speaking of crazy people, i have to go move all my shit out of the crazy house that i have been living in tonight. woot woot!

dope sauce.


  1. heeeyyyy! your life sounds pretty fuckin' sweet. tell russell i love him so much
