Friday, March 18, 2011

all things. considered.

the last time i wrote on this thing i had to write about poop. literally. just poop. because it seems as though i really don't have anything of merit to write about. which is pretty much why i have abandoned my other blog in favor of this one, because i know that sam checks this one faithfully and will at least read my contributions, even if he does think they are crap. haha. pun. i really do try but it seems as though the only good things i have to say are said better in personal conversation, and anyone who looks at me in no way would believe i'm somewhat witty so i force you all to have to deal with my attempts.

on another note. yesterday was st. patrick's day in good ol' butte, mt. i missed you sam and max. i had fun nonetheless. it was pretty standard as far as st. patrick's days go but i did get to ride in the trunk of a car for the first time in my life and honestly... it was pretty damned comfortable. i almost took a nap, except russell (who was crammed in there with me) would not stop squirming. oh, and jessi mullowney's dad is soooooper cool.

everything else thus far has also been pretty lame. oh, i moved into a new tattoo shop. which is in belgrade. i work with a rad artist named noah singer and i will learn a lot from him. as far as the last shop goes, let's just say it was not working out and we broke it off. but since i've moved i have been busy as hell and that is good. i have new tattoo pictures posted on my facepage for all of you who are interested.

all moved into russell's place and it has aspects that are good (as in i pay a miniscule amount of rent, and it's not spider-infested) and bad (as in there is no room for any of my shit so it's all in boxes in the garage, and it's way far away from both of my jobs) but in the end it works out for the most part.i am currently engaged in a battle royale with my neighbor over my dog. he thinks that because my dog is the only dog he sees ever that it must mean that my dog is the only dog in all of existence and therefore every time he sees a pile of dog poo around his house that it must have once belonged to my dog. which is not true. so he's made several rude remarks and called animal control on me twice and even stooped so low as to fling some afore-mentioned poo at my front door. i think i might kill him. or at least break his legs and make it look like an accident. russell tries to deter me as much as he can.

i sometimes like to think that i might be able to talk about world affairs if i try to be conscientious about them... but then i pay attention for a couple of weeks and i get really depressed. all of this unrest in libya upsets the fuck out of me. that type of mass genocide going ignored is the whole reason the holocaust had the chance to happen. but i don't think i fully support the united states stepping in on another country's affairs. i'm actually surprised we didn't go in with guns blazing considering the amount of oil there. i certainly don't think that the people in libya should have to endure the violent ravings of a political leader gone mad, but i don't support another war funded by the u.s.
and then there's the earthquake in japan. the thing that really gets me going about this is that when the towers fell, the whole fucking world stopped in it's tracks and paid attention. it was considered a tragedy of epic proportions. i'm not trying to say that the deaths of 3,000 people is meaningless... it had profound meaning for the people that it connected.... but when one wave of water can wipe out over 7,000 people and counting, not to mention cause the biggest nuclear disasters in recent memory and the best advice we have is to pour some more water on it???? come the fuck on.
i don't know what's worse: keeping up with current affairs and being pissed off all the time or throwing my tv into the berkley pit and living in blissful ignorance. i'll let you know when i figure it out.

i just realized this is my second consecutive post concerning poo.

i would just like to let you all know that i'm the only one on the "not idiots list"

1 comment:

  1. you're the only one who isn't an idiot.

    i'll have you know that people have given me a lot of really positive feedback about your posts. Don't worry so much.
