Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh Hello!

I've only officially met half of you so hello other half of GSS!

Here are the basics of my nomenclature just so I'm not jumping in as a random kid from California...
take photos of things like glowing traffic cones and sleeping pigeons.
am highly fascinated by snow.
paint fingers and hands.

the rest is gibberish.

Just got back from hangin with the Schultz' who have come to visit Chicago...and I must say that they are just the greatest bunch.

I dont know what to say in my first entry...I feel like this will define whether or not I'll sound like a crazy person or not but hey, it's all good, right?

So I'll just do what I do (best) and start an image posting thang: image of the day...

In serious matters, the Field museum has an exhibit on the evolution of horses and I almost teared up. Horses lead hard lives...and why do they have to look sad all the time. like a puppy. there was a picture of a horse who was killed in battle during the civil war. his owner was leaning over him. also, they make friends with other animals if there are no other horses around...like a cat or a goat...Thats AMAZING!

Speaking of sweet ass animals, have you guys seen Chaser yet? because if you havnt, he was my hero for a day because he could remember the names to 1000 toys!

so I'll end here for now. more to come.

over n out


  1. That Chaser video was pretty disappointing. He really only remembered the name of one toy, a flip-flop, which isn't actually a toy, so he really only remembered the name of zero toys.
    Way to start out with a real bang.

  2. Crazy talk, Chaser is not a flop. He could even figure out how to find a toy he had never seen before. here's the extended vid, and if you start at 10:10 then you'll see:


  3. julia, you obviously watched the wrong video. Chaser does some Sherlock Holmes shit in the one I saw.

    please don't be mean to chaser :(
