Sunday, June 6, 2010

Crunchy is the best

Today I witnessed the most adorable thing ever. We had some extra helium balloons lying around Sam's house, so I tied one around Crunchy's (The Schultz' beagle) collar. He's normally a pretty sedentary dude until the prospect of going on a walk arises. Well...after i finished tying the balloon string around his collar, he perked up, sauntered out the door, and began strolling down the street by himself, all the while tugging along his little white helium balloon. As best we can tell, he mistakenly thought the balloon string was a leash (and the balloon some sort of faceless overlord?), so he just got up and took himself for a walk.

That's the story. There is nothing more to tell. Except that Sam had to go cajole Crunchy into coming back to the house, much to our little beagle friend's dismay. As this post is being written, Crunchy is safely asleep in the living room, and it doesn't look like he'll be going anywhere soon.

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