Sunday, June 20, 2010

Seward's Folly Day 2: The Quickening

We're in Fairbanks just in time for the World Famous Solstice Party, which means that three blocks of town are filled with tweens on fixies loitering in front of an impossibly large number of kettle corn booths. Also the sun never goes down or something?? I really haven't noticed.

that's some party, Alaska

Fairbanks, as far as I can tell, sucks big time. It's basically tar paper shacks out here. The town I come from looks like it's straight out of the Soviet Bloc, so it's not like I'm being extra picky, it's just not exactly picturesque up in here. It did stop raining a few hours ago and I can see some bomb-ass mountains a ways off. Maybe next time you guys need to build your town closer to the nice mountains, I guess.

this sums it up, pretty much

I know there are beautiful parts of Alaska. I have seen them in books and probably on HD television. However, it's starting to make sense to me why Northern Exposure, a gripping look at a civilized American man's attempt to live and maintain sanity in small-town Alaska, wasn't actually filmed in small-town Alaska. I just want to offer to paint everyone's house here. Like... someone has to do it, right?

PS- maybe I'm an idiot, but I can't find any bars here, either. I'd assume people here would want to drink all the time so they didn't have to dwell on the fact that they have to live in Fairbanks.

PPS- Despite the setting, Soapy Smith's is a pretty cool eatery... so it isn't all bad here (yes it is, it is all bad here.)